International Conference on International Colleges 2024
June 19-20 (Wednesday and Thursday) 2024
Tunghai University International College
Sustainability: For Science, for Industry, for Our Graduates.
In Asia and throughout the world, universities are witnessing unprecedented demand from students seeking to earn their degrees in a foreign language. Many schools allow students to achieve this goal while learning side by side with classmates of different nationalities. In their studies and future employment, internationally minded students of all majors can help make human activities more compatible with the environment. Sustainability will therefore be a focus throughout the two-day ICIC 2024 conference.
ICIC 2024 Participants

The following information packets contain forms and instructions for those who want to take part.

University Project Contestants
University Packet Word University Packet PDF  
High School Project Contestants
High School Packet Word High School Packet PDF  

Oral Presenters
Presenters Packet Word  Presenters Packet PDF

Keynote Speaker
Bart Linssen
Bart Linssen

General Manager

Mr. Bart Linssen has spent over 20 years in the renewable energy sector, most recently at ENABLE A/S and Enercon, both global leaders in wind energy. He specializes in service operations and the development of custom solutions to mee the needs of diverse clients in Taiwan and other regions. His mission is to promote renewable energy as an environmentally and economically viable alternative to traditional energy sources.

Dr. Lin-Chi Chen
Dr. Lin-Chi Chen

Deputy VP of Academic Affairs
National Taiwan University

Since joining the NTU faculty in 2005, Dr. Chen has won numerous awards for his teaching and research in the field of Biomechatronics. At the core of his philosophy is an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning that transcends traditional departmental boundaries. As an administrator, Dr. Chen promotes forward-looking practices, including cross-field learning/teaching designs and interdisciplinary studies programs.

Conference Program

Day 1: Wednesday, June 19 (Student-centered Program)


Keynote Speech 1: University Students for Careers in Sustainable Industries

Mr. Bart Linssen ANABL A/S General Manager
Management Building M201


Project Session 1
Institue Continuing Education Building PG-IC 505

Nonstop Snack Bar
International College 3F

Research Videos

Expository Videos

Creative Videos


Lunch Break 


Project Session 2
Institue Continuing Education Building PG-IC 307, 308

Nonstop Snack Bar
International College 3F

Research Posters

Expository Posters

Creative Posters


Workshop 1:

Using AI Tools Strategically for Research

Ms. Brianna Buljung and Mr. Seth Vuletich

Colorado School of Mines

Management Building M243


Career Advice from Recent Graduates

Guidance from Graduates in Various Professions

Management Building M242


Day 1 Closing Ceremony

Awards and Feedback from Judges

Institute Continuing Education Building B1

Day 2: Thursday, June 20 (Educator-centered Program)


Keynote Speech 2: Making Interdisciplinary Studies More Accessible in Higher Education

Dr. Lin-Chi Chen, Professor, National Taiwan University

Management Building M201


Coffee Break


Panel: Issues in Sustainability & Regulation

Dr. Timo Eccarius, Dr. Ellen Kohl,

Dr. Ellen Rouyer, Mr. Albert Sustanto

Management Building M145

Invited Talk: Academic Misconduct & Dishonesty

Dr. Bernard Montoneri

Institute Continuing Education PG-IC 505


Lunch Break


Oral Presentation Session 1

Oral Session 1A: 
Business & Management

Management Building M145

Oral Session 1B: 

Management Building M146


Coffee Break


Oral Presentation Session 2

Oral Session 2A: 

Management Building M145

Oral Session 2B:

Management Building M146


Day 2 Closing Ceremony

Recognition of Outstanding Speakers

Management Building M201

Important Dates

Oral Presenters


May 20

Due date for oral presentation submissions. A submission consists of a completed title form Title Page Form and an English abstract of the presentation content, no longer than 300 words. All materials must be sent by email to, and the subject line must include the words “ICIC 2024 oral presentation.” The application will be reviewed and the results (acceptance or rejection) will be provided (by email) within a few days.

Project Contestants


May 26

Due date for submission of application forms, including University Application Word and High School Application Word All materials should be sent to by 17:00.

June 3

Due date for submission of projects (poster images or video files) and permission/authorization sheets, including University Authorization Word and High School Authorization Word


June 12

Deadline for ICIC 2024 registration. Although registration is free, it is required of all presenters.

June 12

Deadline for ICIC 2024 registration. Although registration is free, it is required of all contestants.

Contact Information